Nestled in a tiny village within the South Downs, this location is the perfect film location. This architecturally designed, single-story home boasts Mediterranean-style courtyards, flint stone walls, and full-height Crittall doors. Inside, luxurious finishes, art-filled walls, and an open-plan design create a versatile and homely ambiance. With en suite bedrooms in both the main house and adjacent barn, a double-height kitchen opening into the courtyard, and elegant drawing rooms filled with exquisite art, it offers diverse filming spaces. Outside, there's ample space for al fresco scenes, a croquet lawn with stunning views, and a cosy fire pit, making it an ideal backdrop for any project.
Within M25: No
Authority: Chichester
Parking: 9 cars off-road
Number of bedrooms: 6
Number of bathrooms: 6
Nearest station: Bosham